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January 11, 2020
With all the changes and updates to the security and database of the site, there are bound to be things that get missed.

When I first started rebuilding the database and security I saw all sorts of issues with the dogs and other misc. things.
I have the security locked down now and I had to move all the user accounts to the new system.. with that said... I noticed over 600 dogs that were entered that had no "user" attached to the dog... Hence the security update.

I thought it would be easier if I created a online form for the users to submit request to dogs that they can not control, it would make things easier for everyone.

Here are the issues:
  • Many dogs do not have a gender selected.
  • Many dogs do not have the Country Of Birth / Country Living completed
  • Many dogs do not have the color selected - which causes issues with the "tabs" not showing known dogs from a litter.
  • Duplicate entries caused several breedings to be mismatched and "offsprings" were orphaned...
With all this said, if you run across a dog that is not right, please submit a request and I will take care of it.. you can also follow the progress and know when it complete by checking the "request list".

I will not give "record owner" to the dogs that are "un-claimed" to people that can't follow the rules about adding dogs.

This is still a work in progress and there are a ton more features being worked on... 

The request from is located at the bottom of the dropdown menu under "Dogs".

Please help keep this system updated and correct.
DB Admin

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